0203 086 7986 info@londonvoiceover.com

Thomas Winsor - London Voice Over

Thomas is a young, quintessentially British actor with an extremely charming and trustworthy voice that has a great range. Thomas has a lot of experience on both stage and screen. On stage he has worked on a range of projects from classical texts to cutting edge new writing at the Hampstead Theatre. On screen he has worked across TV and Film. His experience makes him the perfect Voiceover artist who will bring a youthful energy and depth of storytelling to any campaign. Thomas grew up in North Nottinghamshire and has a philosophy degree from Newcastle University. He has continued his training at the Actors centre and the Actors Temple London since completing his drama training at Drama Studio London.

Male / 30s, 40s / English / Southern

Call us : 0203 086 7986

Email : info@londonvoiceover.com


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Telephone :
0203 086 7986

© 2022 London Voiceover, a division of Trevor Danns Company Ltd