0203 086 7986 info@londonvoiceover.com

Sunny Deo - London Voice Over

Sunny is an experienced writer, singer/songwriter, author and voice over artist from Manchester. Having worked across Europe, the Middles East and Far East, his voice has been used for countless multinational brands across nearly every industry sector. Perfect for transatlantic briefs, he has a deep, warm tone that can comfortably perform both a UK and US accent. Cheeky by nature, Sunny also has a few tricks up his sleeve with a surprising range of animated voices.

Male / 30s, 40s / American, English / American

Call us : 0203 086 7986

Email : info@londonvoiceover.com


Male Artists

Female Artists


Recording Facilities




Manchester Voiceover


Telephone :
0203 086 7986

© 2022 London Voiceover, a division of Trevor Danns Company Ltd