0203 086 7986 info@londonvoiceover.com

Radhika Aggarwal - London Voice Over

Radhika, aka ‘Rad’, is a warm, down-to-earth, and friendly voice. A born and bred Londoner, she loves strategic board games and playing drums in her post punk band. Her background as a physical theatre and screen actor, means she regularly works on screen and stage, and will add nuance, depth and story to your project. She is also booked for an educated, cosmopolitan Indian accent and voices commercials, video games, radio plays, e-learning and more. Her clients include: NHS, BBC, Deliveroo, Pandora, Rolls Royce, EA, Molinaire, Tate Galleries, Microsoft, Samsung, Oracle, British Red Cross, Halifax, United Nations, WHO, Rolls Royce.


Male Artists

Female Artists


Recording Facilities




Manchester Voiceover


Telephone :
0203 086 7986

© 2022 London Voiceover, a division of Trevor Danns Company Ltd