0203 086 7986 info@londonvoiceover.com

Philippa James - London Voice Over

Philippa is a trained actress, voiceover artist and character actor from
London. Her voice is warm, clear, engaging and has a distinctly
resonant tone. With a spectrum of vocal qualities, ranging from bright
and upbeat to luxurious and smooth, her adaptable voice will add
clarity and richness to any script, or bring grittiness and honesty to any
character. Having a home studio enables her to produce high quality
audio with a fast turnaround.

Female / 30s, 40s / English / RP, Southern

Call us : 0203 086 7986

Email : info@londonvoiceover.com


Male Artists

Female Artists


Recording Facilities




Manchester Voiceover


Telephone :
0203 086 7986

© 2022 London Voiceover, a division of Trevor Danns Company Ltd